Monday, November 23, 2009

When Lucy Goes out Walking

When Lucy Goes Out Walking: A Puppy's First YearWhen Lucy Goes Out Walking *A Puppy's First Year* by Ashley Wolff is a book that any animal lover will love and appreciate. The author Ashley Wolff traces the growth of this adorable puppy Lucy as she goes on walks all throughout the year. She starts with January, of course, when Lucy goes out walking on those cold snowy days. At the corner of each page there is a peek of a calendar page showing the month that either just passed or will be next. As you go through each month of the year, children are encouraged to pay attention to details, and to little life events that each month brings. At the same time, Lucy is growing and anyone who pays attentions to the vibrant illustrations in this book, will notice that. I enjoyed the sweet short passage on each page and the two spoken lines in each verse. What are you waiting to discover a whole year of adventures with Lucy? I bet children will love to see her grow!

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