Monday, January 4, 2010

Thank You! Gracias! Merci! Mr. Jon Scieszka

Do you know the True Story of Jon Scieszka? Well, if you don't, please sit down and join me in a celebration dedicated to Jon Scieszka, USA's First National Ambassador for Young People's Literature.
Every one knows that he is a writer but what they don't know about Jon Scieszka is that it all started with one book. So, yes, I am here to tell you that Mr. Scieszka is an amazing, fantastic and inspiring writer. It all started in 1989 with the publication of ... Children of all ages enjoy this new witty version of the famous tale of the Three Little Pigs. Jon Scieszka's great sense of humor comes through in this book. I have read this book so many times to different audiences, children of all ages, and everyone enjoyed, laughed, got intrigued and appreciated this new version. I would even add that many children believe that Scieszka's version of the tale is in fact THE TRUE version of the Three Little Pigs. Absolutely adorable and magical. That is the power of a true writer.

And ever since 1989, Mr. Scieszka has been unstoppable. He has published so many other successful stories like...


This young child turned into a man, who became a writer, a teacher and rediscovered how incredibly inspiring children's enthusiasm and intelligence is. While teaching, he discovered the perfect audience for his funny and smart stories: children. And writing stories, became his path which interesting enough that is the meaning of his last name in Polish: path.

Children in the USA are very lucky children who are able to enjoy his sense of humor and creativity through his books. It is my hope that in the near future more of his books be translated in different languages so that other children in different part of this world can enjoy his talent.
Thank you, Gracias, Merci for your contribution to children's literature, and for instilling the love for reading to our young American children.


Jon Scieszka said...

Thanks for your kind words Stella. It's great to hear someone who understands how important it is for kids to play.

Mary Lee said...

You wrote a great tribute to Mr. S. I'm glad he got to see your work!

Stella said...

Dear Mr. Scieszka,
You are an inspiration. It is very easy to write about you because you give so much to the world of children's literature. Thanks for visiting My World/Mi Mundo.

Anonymous said...

I love this picture of Jon Scieszka!

teacherninja said...

He's da man! Great work.