Friday, July 3, 2009


Today I wrote a poem of my celebration of eight years living in the USA. Eight years ago, I left South America to make dreams come true. I am one of the many million of immigrants that come here to make things happen, to live their dreams as we have imagined. Nobody warns you of all the things that are will come your way. But that's just life. It comes with no warning signs at all. Next time you meet someone who left home to be here in the USA, just remember, it is never easy, it is a leap of faith. I love this country very very much. I am grateful for the memories that keep accumulating in my heart. Someday when I walk away from here, I know I am taking with me some of the most significant moments in my life. And that, my friend, is a blessing all by itself. Happy 4th of July My Dear USA! Happy Eight Years to me!

This Poem was inspired by the lyrics to the song "Seasons of Love" from the Broadway Musical RENT (one of my favorite Broadway Musical of all times!)

by Stella Villalba

How do you measure eight years
when you live overseas?
Do you count the sunsets
you didn't miss?
Do you count the times
you heart was so full?
Do you count the nights
you wish to repeat?
Do you count the beauty
your eyes didn't even know it exist?

How do you measure eight years
when you live overseas?
Do you count the lives that you touch
or that it touched you?
Do you count the road trips
you wish they never stop?
Do you count the times
the moon was your only witness?
Do you count the blessings
you have received?

Eight years living overseas
Eight years growing every day
in a different kind of way

but most importantly...

Happy Anniversary to me!

Poetry Roundup at Tabatha A. Yeatts


Katie Dicesare said...

Happy Anniversary Stella!! What a great post to start the holiday weekend.

Karen said...

What a wonderful poem, Stella! Your post is a good reflection about both the difficult times, as well as the celebrations of choosing to live in the USA, when home and family are somewhere else.

Color Online said...

Happy Anniversary!

Enjoyed your poem.

Mary Lee said...

We're glad you're "here" and we love to here about "there" when you are away! You are a citizen of the world!!

Happy Anniversary!

Michelle said...

Beautiful, Stella. I love your honest and heartfelt insight from such a unique perspective. Happy 8 Years!! :)