Tuesday, June 24, 2008

So...how's is it going?

I heart summer time. Even if it implies....
*still waking up at 6:10 in the mornings... (I am teaching Summer School)
*having to write 2 major papers for graduate school (but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...)
*and feeling like the day does not have enough hours to get things done. 
Because even though, I am feeling OVERWHELMED with my two papers for OSU, I still heart summer because it implies...
*opening all the windows in my apartment and listen to the UH-mazing birds surrounding my place (really, just awesome!)
*having more time to work out at the gym and have time for myself
*getting to read new books that I could use next year with my students
*getting to work in my little studio room and create art whenever I feel like it...
*our little ice cream place in New Albany serves the best ice cream ever, and the library is right next to it...what more could I ask for?
*going for walks late in the evenings
*getting to do little fun projects during summer school like creating a Community Garden in Whitehall.
* getting to do more patio seating than any other time in the year
* getting to sign up for classes that I WANT ...like TENNIS CLASSES! (yeah!!! finally! I start today)
* getting to try new recipes and catching up with friends from Food Network
*finding new music in i-Tunes
*watching new movies, old movies, funny movies, kids' movies!
*not missing the great sunsets!

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